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Less Waste, More Meaning Holiday Campaign

Less Waste, More Meaning Holiday Campaign

We are very excited to launch our first campaign "Less waste, more meaning"!

It is very important to us that any decisions we make as a company align with our vision and mission, and of course this is reflected in any campaigns we run too. That is why we are proud and excited to launch #lesswastemoremeaning this holiday season.

Rather than keep it all to ourselves we want as many brands as possible to get on board by sharing the hashtag #lesswastemoremeaning, but most importantly by reducing their packaging and waste this holiday season. 

Over the past 27 years of being in the beauty and skin health industry our frustration has grown with each passing year at the excess of packaging; gift boxes, calendars, and wrapping associated with "Holiday gifting". With the dawn of the influencer this problem has grown exponentially. The majority of the packaging and wrapping used in these campaigns is non-recyclable and ends up in landfill, never getting reused or repurposed.

The holiday season is stereotypically a very ‘full’ one. Their is a pressure to over-consume, overspend and over-engage, this can often leave us feeling exhausted, stressed, and burned out. This year, let's normalise gifting less and with integrity. 

To demonstrate our commitment to less waste, more meaning this holiday season, all of the products found in our holiday season gift bundles come in fully recyclable containers beautifully housed in a sustainably sourced, reusable canvas gift bag. As well as that from now until until the end of 2023 we will be donating 5% of sales to Women for Women International via the ‘Work for Good’ fundraising platform.


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